
7 Tech Trends To Add To Your Small Business Startup To Attract An Angel Investor

Angel investment is on the rise,and your small business startup needs to capitalize on all the opportunities at hand. Venture capitalists are on the hunt for business startups to invest in that are currently at the cutting edge of technology and taking risks with these advancements trends. You find that investors are eager to sink their investment dollars in these technologies so that they can reap the future returns. While the payoff might be big for an angel investor, these tech trends will also help your business startup to attract those funding dollars. Artificial Intelligence AI is not new to the scene, but for 2018, it is making a significant headway. By allowing companies to do more with less, AI will turn out to be a fundamental change in the way a company does business today and tomorrow. Startups that integrate AI into the fold will experience a shift in how they are able to perform routine tasks, freeing them up to focus on their customers. Angel investors see t

Is Coaching Worth the Investment?

In a world where time is money, managers need people who can take action immediately. They search for employees who already have the skills, competency and capability to work with little supervision. Combined with ever changing businesses and technology, companies claim there is no time to train and coach people effectively. Instead they chant do it now! However, the idea of do it faster, smarter, and better is in conflict with a society that is constantly transforming. The skills of today are not the skills of tomorrow. A person can be obsolete in 6-12 months if unable to embrace change. That said, one of the greatest assets of a leader is the ability to adapt to change. Why? The easier the leader transforms the quicker the rest of the enterprise will follow. When leadership transforms, they become a great support structure and reinforcement for a new corporate culture, that in turn affects staff and managers alike. Yet, for some reason, there are leaders who resist

5 Skills to Take You From Technician to Entrepreneur

Many small business owners are very good at what they do - from HVAC and automotive repairs to graphic design, IT or accounting services. They honed these skills while working for others - and at some point decided "I can do this on my own, make more money and have more time".And yes, they can. But it takes more than technical know-how to build and sustain a successful business. As a business owner, you need to wear a lot of hats. If you truly want to build a better business - one that works for you, here are some skills you need to develop. Time Mastery It's no surprise that the biggest complaint of business owners is a lack of time. While organizing can certainly help, the best way to get back time comes from improvements in planning. Planning and goal setting helps you prioritize and stay on track - a key to time management. Without it, everything looks important and little gets accomplished. Planning starts with a clear vision for your business.